- Apparently, I had this big blue basket of books that I would drag around at all times when I was 3-4, and I would dump it everywhere and pretend to read the books. This would explain the reason why my room looks like this:
- If I didn't understand my math homework (absurd!) in my first few years of elementary school, I would literally destroy my bedroom out of frustration. I would violently throw everything off of my desk, knock it over, rip down posters, flip my bed, and stab the walls with assorted and pointed objects. My mom would threaten to videotape me and show my teachers. I don't know what this explains, but it's too interesting to leave out.
- Once when I was little, I asked my mom to take me "on a field trip" to the Post Office so I could mail myself a letter. Once again, I have no idea what that means, but I'm sure Freud would have a few words.
Oh, Sigmund... Who doesn't respect a psychoanalyst with sex-crazed mothers drooling over him and his psychedelic fluffy couch? Most people.
There was more to the overall conversation, but I'm far too lazy to keep going. You get the idea.
Reading this reminded me how much I'm going to miss you while you are in foreign places. Summer will just not be the same without you!
Love, Janelle.
My mom tries to psychoanalyze me too...she believes that you are influenced by your birth over the course of your life. She said that I wasn't really ready to be born, but the doctor decided it was time, so now I'm always late for everything and never want to go when it's time to go.
Some weird quirks from my childhood: I would throw a fit if I got a four-pronged fork. I cried whenever my mom laid me down to sleep, so she spent most of the night holding me. I got into arguments with my brothers at the dining room table so my mom would send me to my room--just where I wanted to be! I refused to pronounce "our" like "hour" because no one I knew said it like that. Because of that, they didn't realize that I was "gifted" until second or third grade.
Oh, and I have an abnormal problem with reading too! I owned hundreds of books as a kid, and could read a long book in about a day. I can't do that now because I'm completely out of the habit. I am so lazy.
Anyway, you should write more because I like reading about people's childhoods. ;)
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